I already finished my 1st paper,yet hve 5more
Adesss ..da pening da nie
Overall… okey that f.a paper..
But..be confident to get the best marks..dun think so lah
Pass oke kut..
*gile muh,MMU skunk da xde supp lg ktenye*
Off the record..
Afta exam,I having lunch wif aisya at exm hall
Rindu gile spegeti die
*maklumla..pose kan?*
Pastu..dtg plak mek,nabila n shida..
Xke huruhara situ ..
Masing2 dok blurpeningsakitpaleblablabla ..
Penangan kertas f.a td..
*gelak setan*
End of it,bersurai
Sye hasut aisya menonton wayang
I’m really tension kalu paper jd gitu *lack of skil hentam skunk*
Dah tu,kmi tgk wyg “THE PERFECT GETAWAY” at 1415

Gile bapak ..
18pl..so u imagine urself..
It also test ur brain,to think what happens next..
Adess…mencabar segala2nye
Overall I give 4over5
Dunno others ..
Tp not bad so far laa dat story
Lupe lak,while waiting movie to start ..
We buy some chocs n marshmallows ..

Sedap!!! With a lot of milk ..

End of the trip ..
We buy marrybrowns + banana&caramel sundae ..

Swear ~
Sye makin kuat makan skrg ..
Azamnye laen,jadinye laen …
Motif laaa gini??
*saket perut gelak