oouh ~ sye jangka hidup sye okay ..
but when i received news lastnite
(actually 1day before it,i just remind some of them through fb via my status)
sye rse idup sye mcm tongkang pecah suda ~
[sdg lihat peta gps dimanakah?]
mmu management decide that for those didn't take their MUET exam cannot proceed to ur next academic year ..
[oke sye sdg buat aksi carutan melampau ! ]
as for already took it but didn't achieve to minimun level (BAND 3) their status will be automatically terminated same as the above ..
[persembahan mencarut versi global]
even though i already register ..
[lambatbangun,cucuk duit,salah tulis,drift,keja masa etc. but TQVM to azie and the gang for that help :D]
sye br thu almost of them didn't take it or the worst part didn't knew about that news ..
so hari nie ..
jabatan pelajaran melaka sangat meriah ..
[u know y?MMU full already... i wonder how?]
kedai fotostat sgt laku ..
dan mungkin website majlis pelajaran malaysia lebih hebat visitor dr blog cikepal :D
juga pas pelawat out of stock :P
finally,today i decide ..
sye gugurkan 1 of my subject ..
[ oouh ~ cik bmc sdg menarik bag ber-background-kan lgu sedih akademi fantasia :D ]
i'm sorry ..
sye perlu struggle ye ..
[taktala ini,delete sume filem korea,jepun dan say gudbye to my idol :D]
i wonder how's it is?
but then i still hve ..
6 more+1supp+MUET ..
aiyoooh ~
that's y laa ..

*my latest dindingkertas*
*jujurjujurjujur , xsala bukan? :D