suppose i update this longlonglonglong time ago
to busy lately so bru nak updte haa ..
that day bertolak at 0930
pickup staff at bgambir ..
arive kluang at 1115
pickup them olso ..
so total 6of us
we went for rnk nite which stands for rakan niaga kecil southern region
it were petronas event organised to appreciate all staff yg mane dibuat setiap tahun dgn berbeza tema dan slot acara
*y iam so formal? aigoo
me drive all the way to there ..
final stop at sofitel hotel near senai airport
*not remember new name
1315 not mistaken ..
daftar kelamkelibut ..
changes our uniform dushh ~
got different team ..

ohh ohh ~they arrange management game for us

*purple team good good
me , purple , other five include my sis gold,red,green,black,yellow
okeh ~

kena lari lari
kena panjat dinding ala plkn .. kena jalan ats kayu ..
tutup mata .. susun kerusi dalam kolam .. jalan atas batubata
me , special case only 3game participate
jahat kamu tasya !
others in diff team .. buat semua
*should i say lucky lucky instead of cabut lari masuk toilet lamalama ^__^
at the end of game .. my team at 1st place
*melompat lebih tinggi walhal tak contribute 100% pon

*new fren n evidence me got 1st place riakriak suda
end at 1845 ..
baju basah bau masham takselesa terus check-in bilik
prepare for dinner ..
start at 1930 but we late and arrive at 1950

entertained by apek ~
perghh ~
gile kentang lawak die ~
cuba renungkan motor ape yg bole masuk poket anda ^___^
tema : hawaii
terbaek tak terbaek anda rasa ~
im tired to type everything ..
we reach home at 0200
tomorrow need to go bek melaka ..
should i say TTFN stands for TATA FOR NOW
*no skirt
n tempurung coconut