h stand for house
m stand for mate
rm not stand for ringgit malaysia
but stand for roommate
sila faham teks ini housemate sye skrg adalah bekas housemate sye dahulu yg mane dahulunye org laen skrg laen jadi sangat berbeza dalam konteks ini kerana mereka adalah orang yang berbeza ..
manakala roommate sye skrg adalah housemate sye dahulu dimane dahulunya roommate die org laen .. juga sangat berbeza orangnye ..
*kini peminat setia ss501 & peminat setia dbsk ber-sebilik*
how's our condition ..
sangat -15% untuk melelapkan mata disebabkan kondisi di bawah walhal kami berada di puncak teratas hey hey sangat banyak angin tahu !
disebabkan itu kami selalu dapat bau-bauan sedap ditambah pula melihat stok-stok korea yang mana terlalu banyak part dieorg cooking !
grrr ~
kelebihan duduk di tempat tertinggi ?
-can see construction site which they gonna build new ep building (10stories)
-angin yg banyak berserta bole bersapa kpd burung2 sekian alam
-now i can order straight from the room to kedai kuning by using yelling method *teehhhee*
-semoga sye cepat kurus ! *bwahahahahahahahahaha*
-now i can spend more time with my campus since live in da 4th floor is the reason u malas nk climb itu stairs *baik bukan? :P*
kelemahan *survey time*
-gayat !
-climb the stairs
-the most tough fact that i hve to accept it was, dulu tingkat 3,then move to groundfloor .. after that 4th floor now ~ great !!!!!
-u need to finish everything yg tempat asal sebelum pulang ke tmpt asal like tapao the food,singgah uptown,cucuk duit,yadayadayada ~
-for me,most people akn reject when us says that we live in the 4th floor and u need to climb the stairs to reach the top !
-between 12am-4am u gonna hve panda eyes since this were the worldcup season ! people akn jerit non-stop goal smbil mnum tehtarik yg hnye luak 3/4 of the glass ~
till then ..
stop here ..
gonna view the traffic-light punye situasi :P
rm not stand for ringgit malaysia
but stand for roommate
sila faham teks ini housemate sye skrg adalah bekas housemate sye dahulu yg mane dahulunye org laen skrg laen jadi sangat berbeza dalam konteks ini kerana mereka adalah orang yang berbeza ..
manakala roommate sye skrg adalah housemate sye dahulu dimane dahulunya roommate die org laen .. juga sangat berbeza orangnye ..

how's our condition ..
sangat -15% untuk melelapkan mata disebabkan kondisi di bawah walhal kami berada di puncak teratas hey hey sangat banyak angin tahu !
disebabkan itu kami selalu dapat bau-bauan sedap ditambah pula melihat stok-stok korea yang mana terlalu banyak part dieorg cooking !
grrr ~
kelebihan duduk di tempat tertinggi ?
-can see construction site which they gonna build new ep building (10stories)
-angin yg banyak berserta bole bersapa kpd burung2 sekian alam
-now i can order straight from the room to kedai kuning by using yelling method *teehhhee*
-semoga sye cepat kurus ! *bwahahahahahahahahaha*
-now i can spend more time with my campus since live in da 4th floor is the reason u malas nk climb itu stairs *baik bukan? :P*
kelemahan *survey time*
-gayat !
-climb the stairs
-the most tough fact that i hve to accept it was, dulu tingkat 3,then move to groundfloor .. after that 4th floor now ~ great !!!!!
-u need to finish everything yg tempat asal sebelum pulang ke tmpt asal like tapao the food,singgah uptown,cucuk duit,yadayadayada ~
-for me,most people akn reject when us says that we live in the 4th floor and u need to climb the stairs to reach the top !
-between 12am-4am u gonna hve panda eyes since this were the worldcup season ! people akn jerit non-stop goal smbil mnum tehtarik yg hnye luak 3/4 of the glass ~
till then ..
stop here ..
gonna view the traffic-light punye situasi :P
*korea win ! great !
motipp ar gne ayt belit2...
macm best sekejap ~
best kan bce?
berbelit2 lihat ~
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